• Welcome to Combustion Institute Canadian Section (CI/CS) 2017
  • Call For Papers
  • Important Dates
  • Paper Submission
  • Conference Registration
  • Accommodations
  • Social Program
  • Presentation Guidelines
  • Venue
  • Tourist Information
  • Technical Program
  • Social Program


    Participants will be able to register for the conference starting from 6pm on Monday, May 15th, at the McGill Faculty Club. Registration will remain open during the duration of the welcome reception. Participants will also be able to register on Tuesday, May 16th, in the coffee break area.

    Coffee Breaks

    Coffee breaks will be provided in room MC 12 of the McConnell Engineering building on all three mornings, after the plenary sessions, as well as in the afternoons of Tuesday, May 16th and Wednesday, May 17th.

    Welcome Reception

    Participants are invited to attend the welcome reception on Monday, May 15th, starting from 6pm. The event will be held at the McGill Faculty Club, housed in a historical building on the McGill campus. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served.


    The banquet will be held at the sugar shack Érablière Charbonneau, located in Mont-Saint-Grégoire. A traditional Québec meal will be served at the cabane à sucre, along with maple syrup to accompany the dishes. More information about the sugar shack and the menu can be found on the website (see link below). Buses will start loading at 6pm on Wednesday, May 17th, at McGill University. A map to the bus lane will be provided.


    Facebook Page

    A facebook page has been created for CI/CS Spring Technical Meeting 2017. Please follow the page and share with us pictures of your work and pictures taken during the conference! You can post your questions and comments on the wall of the page.

    Note: Let us know about dietary restrictions as soon as possible by sending an email to philippe.julien@mail.mcgill.ca. Organizers will be able to guide you through the meals.